
Always a disappointment

I can't help but think that people come to my blog every day and silently curse me as they see I've made no progress on the travelogue front. Although I may not always be good at fulfilling expectations, at least I'm always good for disappointing you.

Which is not to say no progress has been made. My internet connection at home has been down the last two days, due to a minor glitch, and so I haven't been able to upload the photos from my computer to the net. That will happen today (thanks, as always, to the miracle of flex time) and, God willing, Day 1 of the travelogue will be up tomorrow, with pictures and all.

As I quietly push back the delivery time on my old thoughts, have I had any new ones? Not really. The topics du jour at Chez Pieman include when I'm gonna be able to wedge the final Star Wars film into my schedule (tons of after-work meetings this week aren't helping), the joy of finally getting my dog fixed, another spate of must-see season finales on TV (or, with my schedule, TiVo), and (of course) impending parenthood. All of these will provide blog fodder in the near future, but I haven't developed any thoughts yet.

Over at the Metroblog (link to the right), however, I have posted a couple of musings that crossed my mind today. Knock yerself out.

Catch ya later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pieman - we curse you whether you have made progress or not!

Har har har.

No worries, I completely understand having a full schedule.

And So It Goes

8:57 AM  

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Male/26-30. Lives in United States/Oregon/Portland, speaks English and Spanish. Eye color is hazel. I am a god. I am also cynical. My interests are PS2/X-Box.
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United States, Oregon, Portland, Lawyer, Stupid Humor.