

So, by now you've probably seen it. The brawl between the Pistons, the Pacers, and the Fans was something to behold (if you haven't seen it, you can get it here).

To borrow a thought from Jack, it really is amazing how our sports culture has changed. Ten years ago, a brawl like this couldn't even be comprehended. The hoops world still shook from Kermit Washington's pummeling of Rudy T. so many years ago. Sure, we saw the occasional scrum in baseball, football, basketball... But the scrums were usually short and sweet, were efforts by players to resolve issues with eachother, and never involved fans.

The last few years has seen a change in this sort of thing. Here in Portland, we've seen Bonzi spitting on fans, Bonzi flipping fans off, Bonzi insinuating that everyone in Portland belongs in the KKK. But Bonzi wasn't the only problem in town, he's just the only one that's coming to mind.

What's causing this shift in our sports culture? Is it that players are ushered into professional sports without being asked to mature their minds with their bodies? Is it that fans are sick of the egos that take all that money and grouse at giving anything back? Is it that the lowest common denominator is prevailing on both sides? Is it all these things, and more?

This is part of why I'm trying not to throw my money into the system (although, sadly, I still lack the moral fiber to turn down a free ticket...I suck). It's broken, and sadly that seems to be the case at every level where money is involved.

The college system recruits using fast and loose methods to bring in talent, without regard to character, and then smooths the road for players so that studies come a distant second to athletics (anyone really think Maurice Clarett isn't telling at least part of the true story?)

It's broken on the professional level, because unless you have a full-scale fan revolt (Portland hasn't quite had it yet, but if things don't get better it might finally happen), and unless sponsors also start pulling their support, there's really no real incentive to change. Face it, if Paul Allen weren't bleeding red ink, it would still be Trader Bob looking for the next statistical giant, without regard to his off-court persona. Don't believe me? How about that
not-quite-unnoticed try-out former Nets Center and chauffer-blaster Jayson Williams had with The Blazers recently? Fear of fans is all that's keeping the team away from him...

Anyway, join me in strongly supporting Portland's Public Schools' sports programs (or those in whatever town you're in). I think I'm going to start sending donations to my old school to help support high school sports, because I never saw one of my fellow wrestlers, footballers, track-and-fielders, or cross-country runners getting let off easy, and they don't get paid to perform. It's the only pure sport left, or as pure as they come (other than little league, but I can't bring myself to watch that level of performance unless I'm associated with a kid playing it, sorry).

By the way, this is a funny picture, courtesy of

Catch ya later.


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Male/26-30. Lives in United States/Oregon/Portland, speaks English and Spanish. Eye color is hazel. I am a god. I am also cynical. My interests are PS2/X-Box.
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United States, Oregon, Portland, Lawyer, Stupid Humor.