
Official announcement

The PieBaby is on the way.

November 2, 2005. Save the date.

Catch ya later.


Blogger Betsy said...

Woo hoo! Congratulations, Papa Pie!

1:15 PM  
Blogger moz said...

Congratulations! Here are some name suggestions:
Apple Pie, Marion Berry Pie, Rhubarb (kind of old fashioned but it is making a comeback) Pie

5:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

congrats! how far along is the piebaby?

7:44 AM  
Blogger hannahhas said...

OMG- Congrats!!!!

12:08 PM  
Blogger Rozanne said...

Congrats! I like the name suggestions Moz came up with. Ya gotta go with Marionberry.

12:15 PM  
Blogger Rusty said...

Betsy and OC, thanks.

Moz and Rozanne, I'm more partial to Lemon Merengue. Definitely couldn't do Marionberry, out of fear that my kid would grow up to be a crack-smoking city official.

Mak, officially 11 weeks 6 days along as of this moment. Not showing yet, but yesterday we were able to hear the heartbeat (on our first visit, we couldn't hear it, but could see it on ultrasound, and that was at about 6 weeks). Very exciting stuff...

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is officially awesome! I have been slammed at work - sorry I am late on the congrats!

So technically you knew there was a bun in the oven when you got Olive...or at least had an idea.

Sneaky Pieman.

Yippee! Happy for you, your wife and your families.

And So It Goes

1:19 PM  
Blogger Rusty said...

Actually, had no clue. We got Olive about 10 days before The Missus began to suspect something was up. Honestly, if we'd known about the kid, we probably would've held up on the puppy for a year or so.

So, when I wrote my "trial parenthood" post, it was without knowledge of what was coming. I think I've sprinkled in a couple of semi-hints (nothing too obvious) since mid-March, when we verified the suspicions through the wonders of medical science...

1:44 PM  

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