
Must be summer...

Although some of us were, perhaps, fooled by the un-winterly warmth of February into thinking it couldn't get any hotter, or maybe there were some of us who believed the eventual March showers brought upon us a blotting out of the sun making February a brief "All Summer In a Day"-ish spell in a long, wet year, we now see the truth. The typical, hot, long Portland Summer has returned.

Last summer found me in the basement of my rental home, just beginning to step into the blogosphere, and lamenting the heat outside. Already, I expect general similarities between last summer and this one. Inside, check. On my computer, check. Basement, check (moved the office down to make room for the nursery). Blogging, check. Lamenting heat, here we go.

Man, it's hot outside. I know, as a typical Portlander, I'm a wuss about heat. My friend CW just got back from Vegas, where she reports temperatures as high as 116 degrees. What we have here is hot, but 116 degrees is hideous.

Despite our relative good fortune, I complain, because that's how God has wired me in this regard. This summer is superior to last in the sense that now we have central air, where last summer consisted of sleepless, ineffective-fan-using nights. And I've been able to reclaim my grill, which allows me to pump more heat into the atmosphere if I'm not quite miserable enough with the sweat rolling from my man-busoms.

The good thing about hot summers is that they force me back to the gym. Not only because I come to the realization that I'd be cooler without the seven inches of fat blanketing my entire person, but also because I remember that my gym is air conditioned, and thus avoiding it is foolish.

It's with that in mind that I started this year's annual fitness regimen yesterday. Got up, got dressed, and hauled my lazy butt to the gym for a short re-introductory workout. Nothing intense. Nothing hard. Just a reminder to my joints of what it feels like when I move them. I made it in this morning at 5 am, after dropping my wife off at work. So, with two days under my belt, I proclaim success in re-establishing the trend.

Before we got our dog, before we bought our house, there seemed to be more room in the schedule for working out. Now I've noticed that there's never enough time after work, and I've found it increasingly difficult to get away for a lunch hour. Which means I have to carve time from the unused early-morning bank that has, to this point, worked rather well for sleeping.


Along with all of this exercise, I've decided to re-instute culinary discipline in my life. Having tried two diets in the past year or so, and having had various degrees of success and satisfaction with each, I've opted to go back to the "Blood Type Diet" that helped me lose 40 pounds in my last effort. So, last night I had one last go at chocolate chip cookies and candy, and today I've eaten all sorts of healthy stuff that my body wishes to reject. Of course, this must mean I'm winning.

So, the heat outside, from which I'm cowering in fear, serves both positive and negative purposes. Besides helping my peaches on my peach tree to ripen, and helping my tomatoes to grow, the sun inspires me to lose weight so I can stop pitting out every shirt I wear within 20 minutes. But it also puts me in a sour mood, as I think about how I should be outside, and would be but-for the intense discomfort of the sweat drops in my eyes.

I hate this conflict.

Catch ya later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you think you are hot, imagine how Mrs. Pie feels. I am very thankful that I had Ryan in February so it was cold during the last few months.

AND - you think you have no time to work out now, wait until the baby comes. My advice - find out how to work out without going to a gym.

And So It Goes

8:21 AM  

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Male/26-30. Lives in United States/Oregon/Portland, speaks English and Spanish. Eye color is hazel. I am a god. I am also cynical. My interests are PS2/X-Box.
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United States, Oregon, Portland, Lawyer, Stupid Humor.